Food Hashtags: Your How To for Likes and Followers

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When your topic is food, we believe it is best to use a mix of hashtags to get discovered, build followers, and garner social proof in comments, likes and clicks on URLs in your social posts.

Start off with the section immediately below, the best hashtags to get seen now for food. If you will continually be sharing social posts on food related topics, see the hashtags below and bookmark each hashtag that is topically relevant and also has high stats in retweets and in exposure to create a Hashtag Set. Your hashtag sets may be found here, always updatable, for when your food marketing requirements change.

Use these hashtags to get seen now

Besides your picks from the section above, consider including food-related hashtags that are getting less engagement, but will get your social posts seen more over a long period of time (weeks, months, sometimes years, even). Find them from the hashtags to get seen over time section, below.

A combination of culinary/food hashtags these two hashtag categories gets the most likes and followers. While the get seen now hashtags are most engaging right now, many people will be using them. There’s high competition for your posts with these hashtags to be seen, thus. The get seen over time hashtags are quite likely to get a social post discovered by people who click hashtags, search within social and content networks for posts containing a hashtag, and also curate and republish posts based on hashtags in posts.

Use these hashtags to get seen over time

Putting hashtags for food to work for likes, followers and engagement

Many of the hashtags from the above two sections of this page are good for Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn, and for Instagram as well. A set of hashtags for social networks other than Instagram should include hashtags from the above sections and exclude the Instagram recommendations.

Good practice is to create a Hashtag Set that includes:

  • good to get seen now hashtags for food
  • to get seen over time hashtags for food
  • your one or two specific food hashtags (e.g. if you are a chef, the types of food you specialize in, or a certain country’s cuisine).

It’s also smart to create a secondary Hashtag Set with your good only for Instagram hashtag selections.

Since up to thirty hashtags can be added to any Instagram post, we suggest collecting many hashtags for your Hashtag Sets for food.

Generate hashtags for your post’s photographs with the RiteTag Pro browser extension or mobile app for the fastest solution to get image-specific hashtags. They have been shown to get real-time engagement and are always a different spread of hashtags, not a group of hashtags that are always the same.

We also recommend using hashtags as a comment or comments on an Instagram post rather than overloading your post’s caption with hashtags. At most, limit yourself to 1~2 hashtags in the caption. Otherwise, the caption will be hard to read. You will see that the posts of the biggest food accounts in Instagram rarely use hashtags within their captions.

Finally, if Instagram success means business to you or your organization, you should order an Instagram Coach Report per Instagram Business Account that you manage, as they tell you what’s working (hashtags, colors, best times to post, and so on). What’s more, Instagram Coach Reports also identify hashtags and provide tactical intel on what would get you more success - and it all done specifically for your unique Instagram account and your exact audience. If you are using an Instagram Personal Account, we explain why most who use Instagram professionals make the easy change from Personal to an Instagram Business Account here.

For further information on utilizing RiteTag’s pioneering data-based color grading and hashtag strategy, see this help page. For your instant hashtag generation tool that delivers the very best hashtags for each photograph or text post, always based on relevancy and also considering current engagement data, get RiteTag Pro. A single subscription to RiteTag Pro includes full site access and also the browser extension and the mobile app.

Good only for Instagram

How to find more hashtags for food

Make use of the Hashtags related to explorer below - the interactive circle of hashtags. Click on any hashtag outside the center and then scroll up to the top of the page. The hashtags best for likes and followers are now related to the hashtag you clicked, and you can find and add more to your RiteTag copy-paste Hashtag Set for Food with the bookmark button beside each hashtag. You can also manually type and search hashtags in the explorer box. For foodie accounts, try searching #foodie, #yum, #yummy, #forkyeah, #nom, etc. For chef accounts, you may want to try searching for keywords such as #chef, #chefmode or #culinary.

Hashtags related to #food

Click to collect hashtags here