Travel Hashtags: How to Use Them For Likes and Followers

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Not sure which hashtags to use for travel? These 55 hashtags are often used along with the word 'travel':

If you need to get travel related social media posts seen by an audience that seeks what you offer, it is going to take several strategically-chosen hashtags per travel post. We have found that when you want to be discovered, to build followers, and to get posts shared, using the same travel hashtags with each post will not actually work. You can, however, focus on your niche, be data-driven in your hashtag choices, and use the Hashtag Sets you can build from this page to earn and grow an audience and garner comments, likes and clicks on links in your posts to social and content networks.

Start off with the best hashtags to get seen now for travel, just below. If you will continue to post on travel, study the hashtags immediately below, looking over the engagement numbers and bookmarking hashtags that exhibit good stats for retweets and exposure but are also topically relevant - right for your specific travel niche. Bookmarked hashtags go to the bottom of the page, where you can add to and build a RiteTag Hashtag Set. Your hashtag sets are found here, in the RiteTag Dashboard you will find when logged in to RiteTag.

Use these hashtags to get seen now

Besides your choices from the above section, you will want to include travel hashtags with smaller engagement stats, but those which are topically relevant and also, based on the numbers we’re seeing, will get your social posts seen more over time. Typically, the addition of a good get seen over time hashtags can extend the life of a social post from the typical 20~ hours to weeks, and can even add months of views and engagement actions, and in some cases, even added years of engagement within social and content networks.

You can find your over time winners from the hashtags to get seen over time section of this page, just below. A mix of travel hashtags from both the get seen now and the get seen over time parts of this page will tend to work best in garnering the highest possible likes and followers from what you post.

While the get seen now hashtags are most engaging at the present time, expect that many people will be using them and on many of their posts. The competition for getting found through the get seen now hashtags is quite high, as such. The get seen over time hashtags, on the other hand, are likely to put a social post before the eyes of those who click on hashtags, people who search in social for posts, and also, those who curate and republish posts based on hashtags used on posts.

Use these hashtags to get seen over time

Putting hashtags for travel to work for likes, followers and engagement

Many of the hashtags in the top sections of this page are brilliant for Twitter, Pinterest, and even for LinkedIn and Tumblr, etc., while also being effective when used with Instagram posts, too. A wisely made extra Hashtag Set that you would use when posting to social networks other than Instagram includes hashtags from the above two sections, but not include the Instagram suggestions.

It is prudent to create a Hashtag Set with choices from:

  • good to get seen now hashtags for travel
  • to get seen over time travel hashtags
  • specific location or niche travel hashtags (e.g. if you are a marketer who mainly sells room rentals, consider searching and finding hashtags from the search field at the top of this page, probably starting with locations that define where you can offer deals.)

It is also smart to put together another Hashtag Set for your good only for Instagram hashtag picks. You will not use this Hashtag Set for anything but Instagram posts, of course. We can expect that neither #instatravel, #traveldreams, nor #travelgram will be useful in Twitter, in Pinterest, nor anywhere but Instagram.

Up to thirty hashtags may be added to each Instagram post, so you should bookmark and save as many hashtags as possible for your Instagram Hashtag Set for travel.

Generate hashtags for travel shots with our RiteTag Pro software by using the RiteTag browser extension or the RiteTag mobile app as a quick and powerful solution for photo-specific hashtags. You will always get a different spread of hashtags rather than the same hashtags for all your travel photographs.

Keep in mind that it is best practice to post your hashtags as a comment on Instagram posts rather than overwhelming viewers with a text-heavy caption that is loaded with hashtags. Limit to one or two hashtags in the caption at the most, and this is if you use any hashtags at all in Instagram captions. You will find that the Instagram travel accounts that you like and those that exhibit the best growth and engagement evidence are accounts that do not use hashtags in their post captions, or do so quite infrequently.

If Instagram success matters to your business, order an Instagram Coach Report for each Instagram Business Account that you have access to post to. These reports reveal what you’ve done that is working.

From Instagram Coach Report by RiteTag, you will learn:

  • colors that are getting posts seen
  • better times of the day to post
  • the hashtags that you are using that are getting the highest engagement
  • and similar intel that no other Instagram analytics products offer.

Instagram Coach Reports also point out hashtags that are good for your posts that you haven’t used and give you further actionable suggestions on what you can do differently to get better engagement. Each Instagram Coach Report is created for the Instagram business account that you order it for (and date-range), so these reports are actionable for you and the Instagram account’s exact audience. Learn why everyone doing business (or those preparing to do so) in Instagram changes their Instagram Personal Account to a Business Account here.

For yet more ideas on putting RiteTag’s hashtag color grading to work for your business, see this help page. For the instant hashtag generation tool that instantly generates hashtags for each post, based on relevancy and also very current engagement data, get RiteTag Pro. A subscription to RiteTag Pro includes full site features and also the browser extension and mobile app.

Good only for Instagram

How to find more hashtags for travel

Research topics and get your hashtags with the “Hashtags related to” explorer that you see below: the flip-around circle of hashtags just below. Click on a hashtag that is outside the center, then scroll up in this page to see your suggested hashtags change. The hashtags that are best for likes and followers are now related to the hashtag you clicked, and you will find more hashtags for your Hashtag Set for Travel.

Saving hashtags is a breeze using the bookmark button you will see to the left of each hashtag in this page. Branch out to identifying more hashtags by searching in the explorer search field just above the circle of hashtags you see below. Travel marketers should begin with their niche, and search in the below explorer’s search field to find hashtags from searches like leatherboots, sexysandals, or lashes, etc.

Get hashtag suggestions
even for short text and images!